CHEN Runsen,CHEN Si,LI Guangzhou.Analysis of risk factors of intercostal pain in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture of thoracic spine[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2022,(12):1089-1094.
Analysis of risk factors of intercostal pain in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture of thoracic spine
Received:July 11, 2022  Revised:October 16, 2022
English Keywords:Osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture  Intercostal pain  Risk factors
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Runsen The Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University, Luzhou, 646000, China 
CHEN Si 重庆市巴南区人民医院骨科401320 重庆市 
LI Guangzhou 西南医科大学附属医院骨科 646000 四川省泸州市 
王 清  
张 建  
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English Abstract:
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To analyze the risk factors of intercostal pain in patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture(OVCF) of thoracic spine. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on 205 patients with thoracic OVCF admitted to our hospital from December 2020 to June 2022, including 40 males and 165 females, aged 74.5±8.2 years. According to whether presenting with intercostal pain, the patients were divided into intercostal pain group(group A) and none-intercostal pain group(group B). Information including gender, age, comorbidities(diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease), fracture segments(upper, middle and lower thoracic vertebrae), body mass index(BMI), bone mineral density(BMD), fracture type(wedge, biconcave, crush), spinal canal invasion, vertebral body stability, fracture severity[non-severe(mild, moderate), severe], and reduction rate of intervertebral foraminal area. SPSS 24.0 software was used for statistical analysis, and after single factor screening analysis of the data, multi-factor Logistic regression analysis was performed on the effective results. Results: Univariate analysis showed that there were no significant differences in gender, age, comorbidities(diabetes, hypertension, and coronary heart disease), BMI, and BMD between the two groups(P>0.05), while there were significant differences in fracture type(wedge, biconcave, crush), fracture severity(non-severe and severe), spinal canal invasion, vertebral body stability, fracture segments(middle and lower thoracic vertebrae), and the reduction rate of intervertebral foraminal area between groups(P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic regression showed that the independent risk factor of intercostal pain after thoracic OVCF was the reduction rate of intervertebral foraminal area[(OR=1.106, 95%CI 1.059-1.156, P=0.000)]. Conclusions: Vertebral fracture severity, fracture segment, fracture type, vertebral stability, spinal canal invasion, and reduction rate of intervertebral foraminal area are the relavant factors for intercostal pain after thoracic OVCF, and foraminal area reduction rate is an independent risk factor.
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