LIU Shaoqiang,HUANG Qingqi,QI Qiang.Changes and related factors of cervical sagittal parameters after posterior atlantoaxial fusion[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2019,(4):336-342.
Changes and related factors of cervical sagittal parameters after posterior atlantoaxial fusion
Received:September 23, 2018  Revised:March 08, 2019
English Keywords:Atlantoaxial fusion  Subaxial lordosis  Cervical sagittal balance  Factor analysis
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Shaoqiang Department of Spine Surgery, Fuzhou Second Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University, Fuzhou, 350007, China 
HUANG Qingqi 福建中医药大学350007 福州市 
QI Qiang 北京大学第三医院骨科 100191 北京市 
陈 伟  
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English Abstract:
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To measure the changes of cervical sagittal parameters and evaluate the related factors after posterior atlantoaxial fusion. Methods: Eighteen patients (aged 25-72 years with mean age of 49.6±13.7 years) with atlantoaxial dislocation in Fuzhou Second Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University between January 2015 and December 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 8 males and 10 females patients. All patients with atlantoaxial dislocation underwent simple posterior reduction and C1-2 fixation. They were followed up for 5 to 17 months, with an average of 7.4±3.7 months. Cervical sagittal parameters including C0-C2 angle, C2-C7 angle, C0-C7 angle, C1-C2 angle, C2-C7 SVA, T1S, NT and TIA were measured before surgery and at the last follow-up. Chi-square test was used to analyze the relationship of lower cervical curvature lordosis and gender, age (bounded by 60 years old), preoperative T1S (bounded by 25°), preoperative C2-C7 SVA (bounded by 15mm), preoperative TIA (bounded by 70°), preoperative C2-C7 angle (bounded by 20°), preoperative C0-C2 angle (bounded by 20°), preoperative C0-C7 angle (bounded by 45°) and postoperative C1-2 angle (bounded by 20°). At the last follow-up, the subaxial lordosis loss group (5 cases) included the patients whose postoperative C2-C7 angle was reduced, and the subaxial lordosis increase group (13 cases) included the patients whose postoperative C2-C7 angle was increase. Logistic regression analysis was applied to analyze the factors related to the postoperative loss of subaxial lordosis after posterior atlantoaxial fusion. Results: The cervical sagittal parameters of preoperation and last follow-up were as follows respectively: C0-C2 angle 21.6°±16.4° and 28.3°±8.6°, C2-C7 angle 15.3°±12.9° and 16.4°±11.1°, C0-C7 angle 36.8°±19.7° and 44.9°±13.2°, C1-C2 angle 12.4°±17.6° and 17.5°±7.3°, C2-C7 SVA 13.4±14.7mm and 15.1±11.7mm, T1S 22.8°±8.2° and 23.5°±7.3°, NT 50.8°±9.5° and 51.9°±8.9°, TIA 73.6°±11.1° and 75.4°±10.0°. There was no significant difference between the preoperative and last follow-up cervical sagittal parameters(P>0.05). The cervical sagittal parameters of preoperative and final follow-up between two groups were compared, the preoperative C2-C7 angle of the subaxial lordosis loss group was bigger than the subaxial lordosis increase group(27.6°±10.5° vs 10.5°±10.5°, P<0.05), but there was no statistical difference in other parameters. Univariate chi-square analysis showed that reduction of subaxial lordosis after posterior atlantoaxial fusion was associated with preoperative C2-C7 angle ≥20° (χ2=4.923,P=0.026). However, Logistic regression analysis showed that the preoperative C2-C7 angle ≥20° was not an independent risk factor (OR=0.147,P=0.225). Conclusions: Loss of subaxial lordosis can occur after posterior atlantoaxial fusion, and preoperative C2-C7 angle ≥20° is a risk factor of postoperative loss of subaxial lordosis.
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