GUO Dong,CAO Jun,ZHANG Xuejun.The study of vertebral growth effected by growing rod in congenital scoliosis patients[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2015,(8):695-698,704.
The study of vertebral growth effected by growing rod in congenital scoliosis patients
Received:April 28, 2015  Revised:June 08, 2015
English Keywords:Congenital scoliosis  Growing rod  Vertebral growth
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Dong Pediatric Orthopedic Department, Beijing Children′s Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100045, China 
CAO Jun 首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院骨科 100045 北京市 
ZHANG Xuejun 首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院骨科 100045 北京市 
刘 虎  
孙 琳  
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English Abstract:
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To observe the vertebral growth effected by growing rod techniques in congenital scoliosis patients. Methods: 221 patients with congenital scoliosis who underwent growing rod surgery from June 2008 to December 2013 were documented. 31 cases had spine CT for at least 2 times scan before and after a re-lengthening surgery. The first surgery was performed at 3.2 to 9.1 years old. The first CT scan was performed at 7.1±2.3 years old. The last CT scan was at 10.0±2.1 years old. 92 re-lengthening operations were performed during 1.0-5.9 years. The re-lengthening rate was 3 times per person or 1.1 times per year. When patients had the first CT scan, they had average of 2 re-lengthening operations. When patients had the last CT scan, they had an average of 5 re-lengthening operations. Several parameters were documented including age, Cobb angle of main curve, lateral thoracic kyphosis Cobb angle, T1-T12 height, T1-S1 height and trunk shift. Results: The first and last CT scan showed the height of vertebra inside instrument was 18.2±4.7mm, 21.8±5.5mm respectively; and the height of vertebra outside instrument was 19.2±3.2mm, 22.7±3.4mm respectively. There was a significant difference between the height changes(P=0.035). The growth rate of vertebrae inside instruments was 0.2mm/yr faster than that vertebra outside instruments(1.4±0.9mm/yr vs 1.2±0.9mm/yr). The Cobb angle of main curve was 56.8°±15.3° and 52.9°±15.4° respectively, the thoracic kyphosis was 36.6°±18.9° and 43.7°±18.2° respectively, the T1-T12 height was 16.7±3.3cm and 19.1±3.3cm, and the T1-S1 height was 27.9±4.7cm and 32.5±4.7cm. There was a significant difference between each pair of parameters(P<0.05). The trunk shift was 18.6±15.2mm and 20.0±21.4mm, and there was no difference(P>0.05). Conclusions: The growing rod technique has a positive effect on the growth rate of the vertebra inside the instruments, which promotes the spine growth.
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