GU Zhenfang,SHEN Yong,DING Wenyuan.Relationship between the angle of the opened lamina and the increase of sagittal canal diameter following double-door cervical laminoplasty[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2014,(7):621-625.
Relationship between the angle of the opened lamina and the increase of sagittal canal diameter following double-door cervical laminoplasty
Received:November 26, 2013  Revised:June 11, 2014
English Keywords:Cervical spine  Laminoplasty  Laminoplasty opening angle  Spinal canal sagittal diameter
Author NameAffiliation
GU Zhenfang Department of Spinal Surgery, the Third Hospital of Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang, 050011, China 
SHEN Yong 河北医科大学第三医院脊柱外科 050051石家庄市 
DING Wenyuan 河北医科大学第三医院脊柱外科 050051石家庄市 
李 锋  
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English Abstract:
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To clarify the relationship between the angle of the opened lamina and increase of sagittal canal diameter in double-door laminoplasty. Methods: The formula, d=h×(sinβ/sinα-1), describing the relationship between the angle of the opened lamina and increase of sagittal diameter was deduced by using trigonometry, α indicated preoperative lamina angle, β indicated the angle of the opened lamina, h indicated vertical distance which was from the split points before surgery to the wired of bilateral hinge gutters, d indicated the increase in sagittal diameter after double-door cervical laminoplasty, which was defined as the difference between post-surgical diameter and pre-surgical diameter. 32 patients with multilevel cervical spondylotic myelopathy underwent double-door cervical laminoplasty(C3-C7 in 20 patients and C3-C6 in 12 patients) in our institution between September 2010 and April 2014. At pre-operative and 1 week post-operative, axial CT was made at each pedicle level from C3 to C7 to measure the values of α, β, h by using software(picture archiving and communication system, PACS). The actual value of d was obtained by measuring the pre-and post-operative C3-C7 sagittal canal diameter by using PACS software. The computed value of d of C3-C7 in each patient was processing the formula d=h×(sinβ/sinα-1). The differences between the data obtained by actual measurement and the data computed by the formula were compared by the paired t test. The correlation between the data obtained by actual measurement and computed by the formula was assessed by Pearson′s correlation coefficient. The accuracy of the formula was assessed. Results: The computed value of d at C3-C7 was 5.15±0.47mm, 5.39±0.47mm, 5.22±0.37mm, 5.25±0.25mm, 4.35±0.35mm respectively; the actual measured value of d at C3-C7 using PACS measurement software was 5.17±0.40mm, 5.43±0.52mm, 5.27±0.44mm, 5.29±0.28mm, 4.38±0.33mm respectively. The data obtained by actual measurement and the data evaluated by the paired t test showed the value of t computed by the formula at C3-C7 was 0.42, 0.68, 1.58, 1.38, 1.11 respectively, which showed no significant difference(P>0.05). The value of r by Pearson correlation analysis computed by the formula at C3-C7 was 0.8953, 0.8155, 0.9159, 0.7821, 0.9238 respectively, which showed a very high degree of correlation(P<0.001). Conclusions: The formula accurately reveals the correlation between the angle of the opened lamina and the increase in sagittal canal diameter in double-door laminoplasty. Based on the angle of the opened lamina, increases in sagittal canal diameter following laminoplasty can be computed by using this formula.
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