LV Chaoliang,LUO Chao,Song Yueming.Clinical applications of intraoperative cortex somatosensory evoked potential in the surgery of old at?鄄lantoaxial dislocation[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2012,(2):127-130.
Clinical applications of intraoperative cortex somatosensory evoked potential in the surgery of old at?鄄lantoaxial dislocation
Received:June 10, 2011  Revised:August 24, 2011
English Keywords:Somatosensory cortical evoked potential  Intraoperative monitoring  Old atlantoaxial dislocation
Author NameAffiliation
LV Chaoliang Department of Orthopedics, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610041,China 
LUO Chao 四川大学华西医院骨科610041 成都市外南国学巷37号 
Song Yueming 四川大学华西医院骨科610041 成都市外南国学巷37号 
刘 浩  
龚 全  
李 涛  
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English Abstract:
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To investigate the effect of the cortex somatosensory evoked potential(CSEP) on spinal cord function under C1-2 dislocation surgery. Methods: In this study, 42 cases with old atlantoaxial dislocation received intraoperative CSEP monitoring. Latency and amplitude of cortical potentials were observed with the value of the latency extension more than 10% and peak amplitude reduction more than 50% defined as abnormality. Preoperative and postoperative JOA score were used to evaluate the neurofunction. Results: True negative rate was 88.1%(37/42), increased amplitude and (or) latency were noted in 35 cases after operation, and neurological function improved. No new neurological deficit was noted, and the other 2 cases showed no change compared with preoperation. True positive was 4.8%(2/42), and decompression ceased in 1 case when suffering from abnormality, and the waveform returned to normal after administration of MEP 40mg, neurological function improved postoperatively. Wave amplitude decreasing 60% was noted in 1 case, and waveform returned to normal after ceasing screw placement, right upper limb was noted numbness after operation. False negative was 2.4%(1/42), this case showed no intraoperative wave abnormality, but postoperative right lower limb weakness was noted, and JOA score decreased compared with preoperation. False positive was 4.8%(2/42), 1 case had waveform returned to normal after performing hypertension; and the cause for the other one was unidentified, after closing the wound, waveform returned to normal; there was no damage of neurological function after operation, the improvement rate of JOA score was 82%. Conclusions: CSEP can reflect the functional state and integrity of the spinal cord so as to prevent irreversible damage to the spinal cord during the surgery of old atlantoaxial dislocation.
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