ZENG Hui,ZOU Dewei,WU Jigong.Helical CT three-dimensional reconstruction for inferior cervical zygapophyseal joint and its clinic meaning[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2012,(1):59-64.
Helical CT three-dimensional reconstruction for inferior cervical zygapophyseal joint and its clinic meaning
Received:September 15, 2011  Revised:October 25, 2011
English Keywords:Cervical spine  Zygapophyseal joints  Articular facets  Three-dimensional measurement
Author NameAffiliation
ZENG Hui Department of Orthopaedics Spinal Center of PLAthe 306th Hospital of PLABeijing100101China 
ZOU Dewei 解放军306医院骨科 全军脊柱外科中心 100101 北京市 
WU Jigong 解放军306医院骨科 全军脊柱外科中心 100101 北京市 
姬 勇  
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English Abstract:
  【Abstract】 Objective:To study the three-dimensional quantitative morphology as well as the orientation of cervical zygapophyseal joint and their clinical significances.Method:The cervical zygapophyseal joints of 60 normal volunteers were scanned using spiral CT and reconstructed three-dimensionally.The shapes,curvatures and angulations of these joints were observed and measured in the cross-sectional,sagittal and coronal planes respectively.Result:At the cross-sectional plane,the superior facet joint of C3 and the inferior facet joint of C7 presented with face-type frequently.The C-shape articular surfaces in C3,C4,C5 showed no statistic significance.The angles of the articular facet orientation at C3/4,C4/5,C5/6,C6/7 and C7/T1 were 91.98°±9.92°,96.64°±9.01°,99.46°±7.66°,94.20°±8.72° and 94.83°±10.88° respectively,with the angles of C4/5 and C5/6 significantly larger than others(P<0.05).At coronal plane,ellipsetype occured more frequently on C6/7,while roundtype occured more frequently on C2/3 and C3/4.At sagittal plane,the angulations from C3~C7 were 52.09°±6.28°,48.14°±4.75°,45.81°±4.07°,55.65°±4.15° and 58.32°±5.77° respectively,with the angles of C3,C6 and C7 significantly larger than C5(P<0.05).Conclusion:The cervical zygapophyseal joints differ in morphology.In the cross-sectional plane,the orientations of C3-C7 superior facet joint change from midline to lateral,and adapt to thoracic facet joint;while in sagittal plane,facet joint angles from C3-C7 are acute,and distribute on the center of C5.
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