LIU Shijing,YUAN Guodong,YU Zhenghong.Biomechanical effects of one or two level cervical oblique corpectomy[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2010,20(7):586-589.
Biomechanical effects of one or two level cervical oblique corpectomy
Received:December 21, 2009  Revised:April 02, 2010
English Keywords:Oblique corpectomy  cervical instability  Biomechanics
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Shijing Department of Orthopaedicsthe 155th Hospital of PLAKaifeng475003China 
YUAN Guodong 解放军第155中心医院骨科 475003 河南省开封市 
YU Zhenghong 南方医科大学解剖生物力学实验室 510515 广州市 
赵卫东 南方医科大学解剖生物力学实验室 510515 广州市 
钟世镇 南方医科大学解剖生物力学实验室 510515 广州市 
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English Abstract:
  【Abstract】 Objective:To compare the changes in cervical biomechanical stability associated with one and two levels cervical oblique corpectomy.Method:Six aged human cadaveric cervical spine specimens(C3-T1,age 53-65) were tested:(1) normal;(2) after C4 oblique corpectomy;(3) after C4 and C5 oblique corpectomy.Pure moments were applied to induce flexion,extension,lateral bending,and axial rotation.The motion of all direction was recorded stereophotogrammetrically while the load were applied to the specimens.Result:Compared to normal,although the range of motion and neutral zone after one level oblique corpectomy increased during flexion/extension,lateral bending and axial rotation,the difference between the two group was not significant.The two level cervical oblique corpectomy caused much more alterations in the range of motion and neutral zone between C3 and C6 compared with the intact specimens.Conclusion:One level cervical oblique corpectomy does not induce significantly instability compared with normal.While the two level cervical oblique corpectomy causes significantly increase in the range of motion and neutral zone between C3 and C6.
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