.The Clinical value of three-dimensional CT angiographyic (3D-CTA) imaging of vertebral artery[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2003,(4):.
The Clinical value of three-dimensional CT angiographyic (3D-CTA) imaging of vertebral artery
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English Keywords:CTA,Ver tebral artery,Cervical spondylosis,Angiography,
茹选良  陈天国  郝毅  宋柏杉  包建原  管卫
浙江医院骨科 310013浙江省杭州市 (茹选良,陈天国,郝毅,宋柏杉,包建原)
,浙江医院骨科 310013浙江省杭州市(管卫)
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English Abstract:
  Object ive:To demonstrate the character and result of3D-CTA imaging of vertebral artery in cervical spondylosis at the origin of the vertebral artery.Method:86cases s uspected as vertebral artery insufficiency of cervical spondylosis were examined by3D-CT
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