.Anatomic study of atlas and the pass using screw fixation via posterior arch and lateral mass[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2002,(1):.
Anatomic study of atlas and the pass using screw fixation via posterior arch and lateral mass
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English Keywords:Atlas,Measure,Screw,Fixation
谭明生  张光铂  李子荣  王慧敏  移平  韦宇  杨峰  梁立
卫生部中日友好医院骨科,卫生部中日友好医院骨科,卫生部中日友好医院骨科,卫生部中日友好医院骨科,卫生部中日友好医院骨科,卫生部中日友好医院骨科,卫生部中日友好医院骨科,卫生部中日友好医院骨科 100029北京市,100029北京市,100029北京市,100029北京市,100029北京
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English Abstract:
  Objective:To provide anatomic data of atlas of Chinese people and discuss the feasibility of screw fixation via posterior arch and lateral mass of atlas.Method:50 dry samples of atlas were measured with vernier calipers and protractors;in five cases of op
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