.Changes of Bcl-2 expression following incomplete spinal cord injury by compression from ventral aspect and the effects of methylprednisolone,Iloprost and Riluzole on the Bcl-2 expression[J].Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord,2001,(5):.
Changes of Bcl-2 expression following incomplete spinal cord injury by compression from ventral aspect and the effects of methylprednisolone,Iloprost and Riluzole on the Bcl-2 expression
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English Keywords:Spinal cord injury,Bcl 2 oncogene,Neuroprotection
张峡  王正国
[1]第三军医大学新桥医院骨科,重庆市400037 [2]第三军医大学野战外科研究所
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English Abstract:
  Objective:To research the Bcl 2 expression after spinal cord compression and the effect of methylprednisolone,iloprost,riluzole on the Bcl 2 expression.Method:After the spinal cord of rats were compressed,they were treated with methylprednisolone,ilopro
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