Volume ,Issue 11,2015 Table of Contents

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Based on evidence-based medicine to guide the prevention and treatment of spinal surgical site infection[Abstract][PDF]


The fate of the internal fixation after spinal surgical site infection[Abstract][PDF]

The fate of the internal fixation after spinal surgical site infection[Abstract][PDF]

The fate of the internal fixation after spinal surgical site infection[Abstract][PDF]

The fate of the internal fixation after spinal surgical site infection[Abstract][PDF]

The fate of the internal fixation after spinal surgical site infection[Abstract][PDF]


Early diagnosis of deep infection after spine surgeries[Abstract][PDF]

The treatment of delayed infection following posterior instrumented spinal surgery[Abstract][PDF]

Treatment of deep surgical site infection after posterior spinal fusion and instrumentation in spinal deformity[Abstract][PDF]

Etiology of lumbar disc herniation in adolescents: excessive load on the lumbar spine and aberrant configurations of the lumbosacral region[Abstract][PDF]

Radiological imaging characteristics and the clinical significance of sacrum and vertebra below the lumbar hemivertebra[Abstract][PDF]

Comparison of the sagittal morphology in adult idiopathic scoliosis with age-matched healthy adults in Chinese Han population[Abstract][PDF]

Sagittal spinopelvic alignment in various curve patterns in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis[Abstract][PDF]


3D structural study of vessels in rabbit′s intervertebral endplate[Abstract][PDF]

In vitro isolation, culture and characteristics identification of rat stem cells derived from potential stem cell niches of the intervertebral disc[Abstract][PDF]


Diagnosis of postoperative spinal surgical site infection: a review of the current literature[Abstract][PDF]

A review of developments on vertebral artery injury research[Abstract][PDF]

Advancement of radiographic characteristics of Hirayama disease[Abstract][PDF]


Surgical site tuberculosis infection after lumbar instrumentation: a case report[Abstract][PDF]

Asymptomatic bone cement pulmonary embolism after vertebroplasty:case report with 7 years follow-up and literature review[Abstract][PDF]

Paraganglioma of the cauda equina: 2 cases report[Abstract][PDF]


Summary of the 50th annual congress of Scoliosis Research Society(SRS)[Abstract][PDF]

Summary of the 12th Chinese spine and spinal cord congress[Abstract][PDF]


Spinal cord injury caused by chronic ischemia after spine surgery[Abstract][PDF]


德惠有福双全義 虚怀若谷一代贤———敬贺胡有谷教授从医从教50年[Abstract][PDF]