彭 博,胡佳豪,刘儒星,冯 毅,王永峰,张 洮,游玄军,徐朝健.3D打印技术在脊柱外科应用的可视化分析[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2024,(8):867-873.
中文关键词:  3D打印  脊柱  可视化分析
  【摘要】 目的:对国内外3D打印技术在脊柱外科应用的研究进行可视化分析,构建可视化图谱,比较国内外的研究热点,对该领域的研究方向提供参考。方法:中文数据库以中国知网(CNKI)数据库(2013~2023年)为数据来源,使用“3D打印”和“脊柱”为主题词检索;英文数据库以Web of Science核心合集数据库(2013~2023年)为数据库来源,检索主题包括“3D printing”“Spine”,检索式为:“TS=(3D printing) AND TS=(Spine)”。除去重复以及与研究内容关联性较低的文献后,最终得到中文文献256篇,英文文献250篇,导入CiteSpace软件进行分析,对中、英文数据库中文献的年度发表数量、作者、关键词、国家、机构、关键词聚类、关键词突显度进行可视化分析。结果:在2013~2023年,国内与国外每年的发文数量相近。发表中文文献最多的前三位作者是:李超、牛国旗、孙贺;发表英文文献最多的前三位作者是:Clifton William、Damon Aaron、Nottmeier Eric。中文文献关键词可视化图谱中出现215个节点,617条连线,密度为0.0273,出现频次最高的关键词为3D打印(148次,1.09)、脊柱外科(47次,0.26)、脊柱侧凸(30次,0.10)。英文文献关键词可视化图谱中出现282个节点,1359条连线,密度为0.0367,出现频次最高的关键词为3D printing(116次,0.07)、surgery(54次,0.12)、accurate(42次,0.18)。CNKI数据库的发文机构可视化图谱中共出现206个节点,100条连线,密度为0.0047;Web of Science的发文机构可视化图谱中共出现216个节点,147条连线,密度为0.0063;发表文献数量最多的国家是中国,其次是美国和澳大利亚。国内发表中文文献最多的前三个机构是北京大学第三医院、延安大学附属医院、蚌埠医学院第二附属医院,国外发表文献最多的前三个机构是Mayo Clin、Southern Med Univ、Capital Med Univ。中、英文文献的关键词进行聚类后,分别得到6个有意义的聚类。中、英文文献中突显强度最高的关键词分别是组织工程与patient specific。结论:3D打印技术在脊柱外科研究的热点每个国家各不相同,国外机构之间联系较为密集,国内较为分散。
Visualization analysis of 3D printing technology in spinal surgery
英文关键词:3D printing  Spine  Visualization analysis
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To visualize and analyze the research on the application of 3D printing technology in the field of spinal surgery at home and abroad, construct visualization maps, and provide reference for future research by comparing the research hotspots at home and abroad. Methods: The China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) database was searched using the keywords of "3D printing" and "spine" for literature published in 2013-2023 in Chinese; The Web of Science Core Collection database was used as English database, literature published in 2013-2023 with topics including "3D printing" and "Spine" were searched with "TS=(3D printing) AND TS=(Spine)". A total of 256 Chinese literature and 250 English literature were included and imported into CiteSpace software after excluding the duplicate and low relevance articles. The annual publication quantity, authors, keywords, countries, institutions, keyword clustering, and keyword prominence in both Chinese and English literature were visualized and analyzed. Results: The annual publication numbers of domestic and foreign publications from 2013 to 2023 were similar. The top three authors published the most Chinese literature were Li Chao, Niu Guoqi, and Sun He; The top three authors published the most English literature were Clifton William, Damon Aaron, and Nottmeier Eric. In the visualization map of Chinese literature keywords, there were 215 nodes and 617 lines with a density of 0.0273; The most frequently appeared keywords were 3D printing(148 times, 1.09), spinal surgery(47 times, 0.26), and scoliosis(30 times, 0.10). In the English literature keyword visualization graph, there were 282 nodes and 1359 lines with a density of 0.0367; The most frequently appeared keywords were 3D printing(116 times, 0.07), surgery(54 times, 0.12), and accurate(42 times, 0.18). A total of 206 nodes and 100 lines with a density of 0.0047 appeared in the visualization graph of the institutions of CNKI database, and 216 nodes and 147 lines appeared in the visualization graph of the institutions of Web of Science with a density of 0.0063. China published the most articles, followed by the United States and Australia. The top three institutions published the most Chinese literature were Peking University Third Hospital, Yan′an University Affiliated Hospital, and Bengbu Medical College Second Affiliated Hospital. The top three institutions published the most literature abroad were Mayo Clin, Southern Med Univ, and Capital Med Univ. After clustering the keywords of Chinese and English literature, 6 meaningful clusters were obtained respectively. The most prominent keywords in Chinese and English literature were tissue engineering and patient specific, respectively. Conclusions: The hot topics of 3D printing technology in spinal surgery research vary in countries. The connections between foreign institutions are relatively dense, while those in China are relatively scattered.
投稿时间:2023-09-06  修订日期:2024-04-24
彭 博 山西医科大学第二医院骨科 030001 太原市 
胡佳豪 山西医科大学第二医院骨科 030001 太原市 
刘儒星 山西医科大学第二医院骨科 030001 太原市 
冯 毅  
张 洮  
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