李 想,王圣林.2023年度寰枢椎领域临床研究进展———基于文献计量学的研究结果[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2024,(8):860-866.
中文关键词:  寰枢椎  文献计量学分析  可视化分析
  【摘要】 目的:采取文献计量学的方法对2023年发表的寰枢椎领域的论文进行可视化分析,并对其中的重要文献进行归纳和综述。方法:分别在PubMed和中国知网检索2023年1月1日~2023年12月31日发表的寰枢椎领域的中英文文献。根据纳入排除标准,提取纳入文献的发文国家、发文机构、发文作者、发文期刊、基金支持、主要主题、次要主题、关键词等信息,进行总结和可视化分析,同时逐篇阅读纳入文献全文,对其中发表的寰枢椎领域重要文献进行归纳和综述。结果:根据本研究设定的入排标准,总计纳入英文文献100篇。具体文章类型包括临床论著、基础研究、系统评价等多种类型。其中51篇位于JCR分区Q2区及以上。国人发表文献数量位居首位,占50%。World Neurosurgery发文量最多的杂志。最常见的致病原因依次为类风湿性关节炎、寰枢椎骨折和颅底凹陷。中文文献47篇,“寰枢椎”及“寰枢椎脱位”占主要主题及次要主题的首位,中国脊柱脊髓杂志是最主要的发文期刊,马向阳、邹小宝是发文最多的作者,南部战区总医院贡献了最多的寰枢椎相关文献,而国家自然科学基金是最主要的基金支持。通过阅读全文,将目前研究重点分为前后路手术技术改进、手术安全性的提升、寰枢椎手术术后翻修、人工智能及3D打印,罕见病或全身系统性综合征合并的寰枢椎不稳/寰枢椎脱位几个方面,并分别进行了分析与讨论。结论:2023年寰枢椎领域相关文章呈持续增多的趋势,且有相当数量的文献发表在脊柱类顶级期刊中,其中中国学者发文数量最多。该领域研究热点除常见的手术治疗以外,全身系统性综合征导致的寰枢椎不稳/脱位值得引起重视。未来期待更多高质量的研究项目,为寰枢椎领域治疗方式的选择提供更有力的证据支持。
Clinical research progress of atlantoaxial spine surgery in 2023-Results based on bibliometric study
英文关键词:Atlantoaxial spine  Bibliometric analysis  Visualized analysis
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To perform a visualized analysis of literature published in the field of atlantoaxial spine surgery in 2023 by using bibliometric method, and to summarize and review the important articles. Methods: Literature searches were conducted in PubMed and China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) for Chinese and English literature in the field of atlantoaxial spine published between January 1 and December 31, 2023. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, information such as publishing countries, institutions, authors, journals, funding support, main and secondary themes, and keywords of the included literatures were extracted for summarization and visualized analysis. Full-text reviewing was also conducted to summarize and review the significant literatures in the field of atlantoaxial spine. Results: According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by this study, a total of 100 English literatures were included, encompassing various types such as clinical studies, basic research, and systematic reviews, with 51 in the JCR Q2 or higher categories. Chinese authors topped the list, accounting for 50% of publications. "World Neurosurgery" was the most prolific journal, with the most common etiologies being rheumatoid arthritis, atlantoaxial fractures, and basilar invagination. There were 47 Chinese literatures, with "atlantoaxial spine" and "atlantoaxial dislocation" ranking top in both main and secondary themes. "Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord" was the primary publication journal, with Ma Xiangyang and Zou Xiaobao being the most prolific authors. PLA Southern Theater Command General Hospital contributed the most literature on atlantoaxial spine, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China was the main source of funding support. Through full-text reviewing, improvements in anterior and posterior surgical techniques, enhancement of surgical safety, postoperative revisions of atlantoaxial surgeries, artificial intelligence and 3D printing, and atlantoaxial instability/dislocation associated with rare diseases or systemic syndromes, were the current primary focuses of research and each was analyzed and discussed. Conclusions: The number of literatures related to the field of atlantoaxial spine continued to grow in 2023, with a considerable number of publications in top spine journals. Chinese scholars contributed the majority of articles. In addition to surgical treatments, atlantoaxial subluxation/dislocation caused by systemic syndromes was a new research hotspot. More high-quality research was expected in the future to provide high level evidence for the treatment options in the atlantoaxial spine field.
投稿时间:2024-03-09  修订日期:2024-05-22
李 想 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院骨科中心脊柱外科 100050 北京市 
王圣林 北京大学第三医院骨科 骨与关节精准医学工程研究中心 脊柱疾病研究北京市重点实验室 100191 北京市 
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