李文涵,王 玉,陈泉池,史本龙,毛赛虎,刘 臻,孙 旭,王 斌,邱 勇,朱泽章.跳舞“下腰”致脊髓损伤后继发麻痹性脊柱侧凸的临床及影像学特征[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2024,(5):490-496.
中文关键词:  脊髓损伤  跳舞  麻痹性脊柱侧凸  影像学特征
  【摘要】 目的:探讨因跳舞“下腰”致脊髓损伤后继发麻痹性脊柱侧凸(paralytic scoliosis secondary to spinal cord injury)的临床及影像学特征。方法:回顾性分析2016年6月~2023年8月跳舞“下腰”致脊髓损伤后继发脊柱侧凸于南京鼓楼医院脊柱外科行手术治疗患者的临床和影像学资料。所有患者均行坐位全脊柱正侧位X线片检查。记录患者脊髓损伤时年龄、确诊脊柱侧凸年龄、手术时年龄、截瘫平面、侧凸弯型、累及节段数、顶椎旋转情况,是否合并髋关节脱位,并于全脊柱正、侧位和Bending位X线片上测量冠状面侧凸主弯Cobb角、骨盆倾斜角和矢状面成角,计算侧凸柔韧度。对骨盆倾斜角和主弯Cobb角进行相关性分析。结果:共19例患者纳入本研究,均为女性,脊髓损伤时年龄5~9岁(6.8±1.1岁),确诊脊柱侧凸时年龄6~11岁(8.6±1.3岁),手术时年龄10~26岁(13.2±3.9岁)。损伤平面以下均为完全性瘫痪,其中13例截瘫平面位于T10水平,2例位于T9水平,4例位于T8水平。主弯均为长C型腰弯或胸腰弯,主弯累及节段数为7~13个(9±2个),Cobb角为50°~110°(74.2°±14.6°),主弯柔韧度为30%~54%(41%±10%)。顶椎旋转按Nash-Moe法分级,Ⅳ度 12例,Ⅲ度 6例,Ⅱ度 1例。矢状面上,腰椎后凸15例(78.9%),局部后凸角为27°~47°(34.3°±5.8°),腰椎前凸角为-47°~55°(-16.9°±34.1°);胸椎呈代偿性后凸减小甚至前凸,胸椎后凸角为-10°~25°(10.4°±9.1°)。所有患者均合并髋关节半脱位,其中单侧17例(89.5%),大部分位于主弯凹侧;双侧2例(10.5%),主弯凹侧半脱位更严重。所有患者均合并骨盆倾斜,骨盆倾斜角为9°~39°(22.8°±8.4°)。Pearson相关分析显示骨盆倾斜角与主弯Cobb角存在显著相关性(r=0.635,P<0.05)。结论:跳舞“下腰”致脊髓损伤后继发麻痹性脊柱侧凸的主弯为长C型腰弯或者单胸腰弯,弯曲跨度大,节段长,椎体旋转严重,畸形相对柔软,在主弯近端可出现短的代偿弯,且均合并骨盆倾斜和位于主弯凹侧的髋关节半脱位,骨盆倾斜与侧凸严重程度呈正相关;矢状面表现为胸椎代偿性的后凸减小,腰椎或胸腰段后凸畸形。
The clinical features and imaging characteristics of paralytic scoliosis after spinal cord injury caused by back-bend movements in dance training
英文关键词:Spinal cord injury  Dance training  Paralytic scoliosis  Imaging characteristics
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To investigate the clinical features and imaging characteristics of paralytic scoliosis secondary to spinal cord injury due to back-bend movements in dance training. Methods: The clinical and imaging data of patients with paralytic scoliosis secondary to spinal cord injury caused by back-bend movements in dance training who were admitted and treated surgically in Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital(division of spine surgery, department of orthopedic surgery) from June 2016 to August 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. All the patients underwent anteroposterior and lateral full spine X-ray examinations in sitting position. The ages of patients at the time of spinal cord injury, diagnosis of scoliosis and surgery were recorded. The planes of paraplegia, types of scoliosis, levels of involved segments, rotation of the apical vertebra, and presence of hip dislocation were analyzed. The Cobb angle of the main curve of coronal scoliosis, pelvic obliquity angle(POA), and the angle of kyphosis were measured on anteroposterior and lateral X-ray films, and the flexibility of scoliosis was calculated. The correlation between the POA and Cobb angle of the main curve was analyzed as well. Results: A total of 19 patients were included in the study. All the patients were female aged 5-9 years(6.8±1.1 years) at the time of back-bend in dance causing spinal cord injury, 6-11 years(8.6±1.3 years) at the time of diagnosis of scoliosis, and 10-26 years(13.2±3.9 years) at the time of surgery. All the patients were complete paralysis below the injury plane, which was at T10 level in 13 patients, T9 level in 2 patients, and T8 level in 4 patients. The main curve was all long C-type lumbar curvature or thoracolumbar curvature, and the number of segments involved in the main curve was 7-13(9±2), the Cobb angle was 50°-110°(74.2°±14.6°), and the flexibility of the main curve was 30%-54%(41%±10%). The apex rotation classified by Nash-Moe method fell in Ⅳ degree rotation in 12 cases, Ⅲ degree in 6 cases, and Ⅱ degree in 1 case. In sagittal plane, lumbar kyphosis was observed in 15 cases(78.9%); The local kyphosis angle was 27°-47°(34.3°±5.8°), and the lumbar lordosis angle was -47°-55°(-16.9°±34.1°); The thoracic vertebrae showed a compensated kyphosis reduction or even lordosis, with a thoracic kyphosis angle of -10°-25°(10.4°±9.1°). All the patients were complicated with hip subluxation, 17(89.5%) patients among which were unilateral, and most were located on the concave side of the main curve; 2(10.5%) patients were complicated with bilateral subluxation, which was more serious on the concave side of the main curve. All the patients had pelvic tilt, with a POA of 9°-39°(22.8°±8.4°). Pearson correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between the POA and Cobb angle of main curve(r=0.635, P<0.05). Conclusions: Patients with paralytic scoliosis secondary to spinal cord injury due to back-bend movements in dance training present with a long C-type lumbar curve or single thoracolumbar curve, which has a large curve span, long segments involvement, severe vertebral rotation, relatively soft deformity, and short compensatory curve at the proximal end of the main curve. All the patients are combined with pelvic tilt and hip subluxation on the concave side of the main curve. Pelvic tilt is positively correlated with the severity of scoliosis. In the sagittal plane, a compensatory decrease in the thoracic kyphosis is manifested, and lumbar or thoracolumbar kyphosis is presented.
投稿时间:2023-12-26  修订日期:2024-02-03
李文涵 南京中医药大学鼓楼临床医学院骨科(脊柱外科) 210008 南京市 
王 玉 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院骨科(脊柱外科) 210008 南京市 
陈泉池 南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院骨科(脊柱外科) 210008 南京市 
刘 臻  
孙 旭  
王 斌  
邱 勇  
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