焦新旭,冯世庆,王 沛,张学利,邓树才,姜文学,王景贵,于铁强.天津市553例颈脊髓损伤患者的流行病学分析[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2010,20(9):725-729.
中文关键词:  颈脊髓损伤  无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤  并发症  流行病学
  【摘要】 目的:探讨天津市颈脊髓损伤的流行病学特点。方法:对天津市14家二级以上的医院在2004年1月~2008年12月收治的颈脊髓损伤患者进行回顾性分析。结果:颈脊髓损伤患者553例,占同期脊髓损伤患者895例的61.8%,年龄11~90岁,平均48岁,其中≥50岁者275例(49.7%)。交通事故是年轻(52.2%)及中年(43.1%)患者的主要致伤原因,高空坠落和重物砸伤在30~49岁年龄段内比较常见,50岁以上患者跌倒(49.1%)是主要致伤原因。其中无骨折脱位型颈脊髓损伤与年龄具有一定的相关性(P<0.05),好发部位以C5(40.5%)和C4(29.5%)多见,颈脊髓损伤程度与年龄(P<0.05)有一定的相关性。单因素分析发现并发症与年龄(P<0.05)、手术与否(P<0.01)、颈脊髓损伤程度(P<0.01)有一定的相关性。结论:颈脊髓损伤在脊髓损伤中比较常见,患者年龄较大,不同年龄组主要致伤原因有所差异,临床应重视各种并发症发生,综合防治颈脊髓损伤。
An epidemiological study of 553 cases of cervical spinal cord injury in Tianjin
英文关键词:Cervical spinal cord injury  Cervical spinal cord injury without fracture or/and dislocation  Com?鄄plications  Epidemiology
  【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the epidemiological characteristics of traumatic cervical spinal cord injury(TCSCI) in Tianjin.Method:553 patients suffered with TCSCI between January 2004 to December 2008 from fourteen hospitals of Tianjin were analyzed retrospectively.Result:553 patients suffered with cervical spinal cord injury(CSCI),which accounted for 61.8% of all 895 cases with spinal cord injury (SCI).The mean age at injury was 48.02 years old (range,11-90 years old),and 275 cases (49.7%) had age older than 50 years old.Car accidents was the main cause of cases less than 30(52.2%) and 30-49(43.1%),high fall injury and heavy weight injury were common in patients between thirty and forty-nine years old,while fall injury accounted for 49.1% of TCSCI patients older than 50 years.TCSCI without fracture or/and dislocation was correlated with age(P<0.05).The most common segments of TCSCI were C5(40.5%) and C4(29.5%).Severity of neurological deficits was correlated with age(P<0.05).Univariate analysis showed that complications were associated with age(P<0.05),surgery or not(P<0.01)and severity of neurological deficits(P<0.01).Conclusion:Cervical spinal cord injury (CSCI) was more common in spinal cord injury(SCI),and patients wit CSCI were predominantly older,the leading cause of different age group varied,the variety of complications should be considered.
投稿时间:2010-04-14  修订日期:2010-06-03
焦新旭 天津医科大学总医院骨科 300052 天津市 
冯世庆 天津医科大学总医院骨科 300052 天津市 
王 沛 天津医科大学总医院骨科 300052 天津市 
张学利 天津市人民医院 300191 
邓树才 天津市天津医院 300211 
姜文学 天津市第一中心医院 300192 
王景贵 天津市武警医院 300162 
于铁强 天津医科大学总医院骨科 300052 天津市 
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