康志杰,王海燕,李筱贺,李佳伟,邬 超,仝 铃,刘清华,和雨洁.基于CNKI和Web of Science核心合集数据库的人工智能脊柱领域可视化分析[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2023,(2):141-147.
基于CNKI和Web of Science核心合集数据库的人工智能脊柱领域可视化分析
Visual analysis of artificial intelligence in the field of spine based on CNKI and Web of Science core collection database
投稿时间:2022-01-24  修订日期:2022-08-07
中文关键词:  人工智能  脊柱  可视化分析  CiteSpace
英文关键词:Artificial intelligence  Spine  Visual analysis  CiteSpace
康志杰 内蒙古医科大学研究生院 010110 呼和浩特市 
王海燕 内蒙古医科大学人体解剖教研室 010110 呼和浩特市 
李筱贺 内蒙古医科大学人体解剖教研室 010110 呼和浩特市 
邬 超  
仝 铃  
摘要点击次数: 2766
全文下载次数: 1814
  【摘要】 目的:利用CiteSpace软件对国内外人工智能脊柱领域研究进行可视化分析并创建知识图谱,通过分析人工智能脊柱领域在国内外的发展,对比国内外人工智能脊柱领域的研究热点,为相关研究提供参考。方法:中文数据检索以最新版本中国知网(CNKI)数据库,使用“人工智能”和“脊柱”为主题词进行高级检索;英文文献数据检索以Web of Science核心合集为数据来源,检索式为“TI=(Artificial Intelligence*)And TI=(Spine*)”,从检索结果中排除会议、报纸、重复等不符合研究对象的文献,最终得到人工智能脊柱领域的57篇中文文献和124篇英文文献,导入CiteSpace信息可视化软件进行统计分析,对文献进行热点分析、国家机构分析、文献计量学可视化分析。结果:人工智能脊柱领域发文最多的国家是美国,中国位列第三名。我国人工智能脊柱领域出现频率最多的关键词是机器人、人工智能、深度学习。国际出现次数最多的关键词是classification、diagnosis、model。我国在人工智能脊柱领域发表中文文献最多的机构是海军军医大学第二附属医院,国外发表人工智能脊柱领域文献最多的机构是Harvard Med Sch。结论:对人工智能脊柱领域我国与国际进行研究时间基本同步,国内以独自研究为主,建议加大多机构协同研究,争取在相关领域与国际接轨。
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To analyze visually and mapping the knowledge of artificial intelligence(AI) in spine field in China and abroad with CiteSpace software, and to provide reference for related studies through analyzing its development and comparing the hot topics at home and abroad regarding AI in spine. Methods: The latest version of China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) database was used for Chinese data retrieval, using the Chinese words of "artificial intelligence" and "spine" as key words for advanced retrieval. The core collection of Web of Science was used as the data source for English literature data retrieval with "TI=(Artificial Intelligence*) And TI=(Spine*)" as the search formula. A total of 57 Chinese articles and 124 English articles about AI in the field of spine were included in the study after excluding literature that did not meet the inclusion criteria, such as conference speeches, newspaper articles, and repeated publications. CiteSpace information visualization software was employed for statistical analysis of hot topics, national institution, and bibliometrics visualization analysis. Results: The United States ranked the first in literature publications of AI in spine, and China ranked the third. The keywords that appeared the most frequently in AI in spine field were robot, artificial intelligence, and deep learning in China, and classification, diagnosis, and model in the worldwide. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Military Medical University topped institusions in Chinese literature about AI in spine in China, and Harvard Medical School came the first in AI in spine literature publications worldwidely. Conclusions: China basically synchronizes with the world in the research time of AI in spine field, and independent study predominates in China. It is suggested to increase the collaborative research of multiple institutions and strive to be in line with the international standards in related fields.
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