万志萍,廖振华,祝 佳,顾洪生,刘伟强.国人颈椎终板矢状面形态学研究[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2018,(11):1020-1025.
Sagittal morphological study of Chinese cervical vertebral endplate
投稿时间:2017-05-27  修订日期:2017-07-12
中文关键词:  磁共振成像  颈椎间盘终板  最凹点深度  最凹点位置  矢状面形状
英文关键词:Magnetic resonance imaging  Endplates of cervical disc  Endplate concavity depth  Endplate concavity apex  The sagittal shapes of the endplate
万志萍 清华大学深圳研究生院生物医学工程系 518055 深圳市 
廖振华 深圳市第二人民医院 518049 深圳市 
祝 佳 深圳市第二人民医院 518049 深圳市 
摘要点击次数: 3141
全文下载次数: 2161
  【摘要】 目的:测量国人颈椎间盘终板矢状面形态,并分析其与年龄、性别、节段之间差异的变化情况,为基于国人颈椎解剖结构设计的椎间融合器、人工椎间盘和人工髓核假体提供理论参考。方法:从深圳市第二人民医院门诊随机筛选颈椎MRI数据404例,其中男性191例,女性213例,年龄15~72岁,平均38.4±8.8岁,通过MRI测量颈椎间盘终板凹陷深度(endplate concavity depth,ECD)和位置(endplate concavity apex,ECA),分析终板矢状面形状。将样本按照年龄分为5组:15~27岁(40例)、28~37岁(143例)、38~47岁(164例)、48~57岁(48例)、58~72岁(9例);按照性别分为男性、女性组;按照不同节段分为:C3/4、C4/5、C5/6、C6/7组,研究矢状面形状、ECD、ECA在年龄、性别、节段之间的统计学变化。结果:各年龄段之间颈椎间盘终板矢状面形状差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);404例国人ECD为1.70±0.42mm,各年龄段之间ECD差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);ECA差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。男性组和女性组颈椎间盘终板矢状面形状差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);男性和女性ECD差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),分别为1.79±0.44mm、1.62±0.38mm;ECA差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。上、下终板之间颈椎间盘终板矢状面形状差异有统计学意义,下终板呈平坦型,而上终板大多呈凹陷型;各节段之间ECD差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),ECA差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:国人颈椎间盘终板矢状面形状、ECD和ECA在各年龄段之间均无差异。颈椎间盘终板矢状面形状、ECA在性别之间无差异,但ECD有差异,男性比女性大。ECD在各节段之间有差异,但ECA无差异。
  【Abstract】 Objectives: To measure the endplate concavity depth(ECD), endplate concavity apex(ECA) and the sagittal shapes of the endplate, then analyze the changes of the three parameters with age, gender and segment. In addition, to design the interbody fusion cage, artificial cervical discs and artificial nucleus pulposus prosthesis for Chinese patients. Methods: 404 cases of Chinese cervical MRI images were selected from the Shenzhen Second People′s Hospital, including 191 males and 213 females, age range 15-72 years old, average 38.4±8.8. The ECD and ECA were measured using MRI, and the sagittal shapes of the endplate were analyzed. The subjects were divided into 5 groups according to age, including 15-27 year-old group, 28-37 year-old group, 38-47 year-old group, 48-57 year-old group and 58-72 year-old group; According to gender, the subjects were divided into 2 groups(male group and female group). According to segment, subjects was divided into 4 groups, including C3/4, C4/5, C5/6, C6/7. The changes of ECD, ECA and the sagittal shapes of the endplate were analyzed with age, gender and segment. Results: The sagittal shapes of the endplate were no statistically significantly different among 5 age groups(P>0.05); the average ECD was 1.70±0.42mm, were no statistically significant difference among 5 groups(P>0.05); no statistically significant difference of ECA were found among 5 groups(P>0.05); between male and female, neither the sagittal shapes of the endplate nor the ECA were statistically significant different(P>0.05), but the ECD were statistically significant different between male and female(P<0.05), male: 1.79±0.44mm, female: 1.62±0.38mm. The sagittal shapes of the endplate were statistically significant between the superior and inferior endplate, most of the superior endplate is concave, whilemost of the inferior endplate is flat. The ECD was statistically significant different among segment(P<0.05); but the difference of ECA was no statistically significant(P>0.05). Conclusions: A age related difference could not be found among the sagittal shapes of the endplate, the ECD and the ECA. A sex related difference could not be found among the sagittal shapes of the endplate and the ECA, but could be found among the ECD, male is always lager than female. A segment related difference could not be found among the ECA, but could be found among the ECD.
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