吴昌远,刘晓光,刘忠军,孙垂国,陈仲强.远隔节段跳跃型胸椎管狭窄症一期手术与分期手术的临床疗效观察[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2018,(1):1-8. |
远隔节段跳跃型胸椎管狭窄症一期手术与分期手术的临床疗效观察 |
The comparison of clinical outcomes after simultaneous decompression of the skip type noncontiguous thoracic spine stenosis versus staged operations |
投稿时间:2017-09-06 修订日期:2017-12-07 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 跳跃型胸椎管狭窄症 JOA改善率 一期手术 分期手术 |
英文关键词:Noncontiguous thoracic spine stenosis JOA recoveryratio Simultaneous operation Staged operation |
基金项目:“北京市科技计划课题”基金(课题编号:Z141107002514011);“首都卫生发展科研专项项目”基金(课题编号:2014-2-4094) |
摘要点击次数: 4530 |
全文下载次数: 3035 |
中文摘要: |
【摘要】 目的:回顾性研究远隔节段跳跃型胸椎管狭窄症的一期手术和分期手术治疗效果,为远隔节段跳跃型胸椎管狭窄症手术治疗提供依据。方法:回顾性分析2005年1月~2016年6月期间于我院治疗的远隔节段跳跃型胸椎管狭窄症患者34例,其中男18例,女16例,确诊时年龄37~80岁,平均52.8±10.9岁。病程1~120个月,平均22.5±28.1个月。根据患者的手术方案,将患者分为一期手术与分期手术组,比较两组患者术前及末次随访JOA评分及改善情况、手术情况(出血量、手术时间)、术后住院时长及并发症情况。结果:一期手术组15例;分期手术组19例。随访时间为11~113个月,平均40.0±29.7个月。两组JOA评分术前分别为4.7±1.1分、4.3±2.2分,末次随访时分别为8.4±1.1分、7.5±2.0分,平均改善率分别为(57.1±21.6)%、(46.0±25.8)%,两组间上述参数比较差异均无统计学意义。两组平均手术时长分别为166.8±50.3min、326.6±121.8min,手术平均失血量分别为484.0±286.1ml、1694.2±1532.4ml,两组手术时间及手术失血量均有统计学差异(P<0.01)。两组术后平均总住院时间分别为7.5±4.0d、19.9±8.7d,有统计学差异(P<0.01)。根据手术疗效评定标准,一期手术组术后优良率60.0%,分期手术组术后优良率52.6%,两组优良率比较无统计学差异。分期手术组当中,手术间隔1年以内和1年以上,术后效果无明显统计学差异。术后共14例(41.2%)发生脑脊液漏(cerebrospinal fluid leakage,CSFL),其中一期手术组5例,分期手术组9例。共有10例(29.4%)发生其他方面并发症,其中一期手术组4例,分期手术组6例。两组在CSFL及其他并发症发生率方面统计学无明显差异。结论:远隔节段跳跃型胸椎管狭窄症患者可采用一期手术和分期手术。对于涉及的手术复杂程度低和身体状态好者,可选择一期手术;反之,建议分期手术。按上述既定方案,两组术后疗效及并发症发生率均无明显区别。 |
英文摘要: |
【Abstract】 Objectives: To compare outcomes after one stage decompression of the skip type noncontiguous thoracic spine stenosis versus staged operations. Methods: 34 patients with skip type symptomatic noncontiguous thoracic spine stenosis who underwent surgical decompression in the author′s hospital between January 2005 and June 2016 were retrospectively reviewed. They were grouped by the general physical conditions and complexities of the lesions, and the patient′s preoperative and postoperative JOA score and the JOA improvement ratio, the surgical procedures(operation time, combined estimated blood loss, etc), and complications were evaluated. Results: 15 cases were treated with one stage operation, while 19 patients were accomplished by staged operation. The follow-up time was 11-120 months with an average of 40.0±29.7 months. Preoperative JOA scores of these two groups were 4.7±1.1 and 4.3±2.2 respectively, while 8.4±1.1 and 7.5±2.0 at final follow-up respectively, with an average recovery rate of (57.1±21.6)% and (46.0±25.8)% respectively, however, there was no statistical significance of the above-mentioned. Combined intraoperative blood loss in staged group and simultaneous group was 484.0±286.1ml and 1694.2±1532.4ml, respectively. And total operative time in these two groups was 166.8±50.3min and 326.6±121.8min and postoperative hospital stay days was 7.5±4.0 days and 19.9±8.7 days, respectively. There were statistical significances with respect of the total operation time, combined intraoperative blood loss and postoperative hospital stay days. According to the clinical outcome grading for recovery rate, the fine rate of these two groups was 60.0% and 52.6% respectively, however, there was no statistical significance. After statistical analysis, the surgical outcome of those whose operation intervals Iess than 1 year was not significantly better than those of more than 1 year. 11 cases(41.2%) were complicated with cerebrospinal fluid leakage(CSFL), including 5 cases of simultaneous group and 9 cases of staged group, while 10 cases(29.4%) were noted with other complications, including 4 cases of simultaneous group and 6 cases of staged group. However, there is no statistical significance with the respect to the complications. Conclusions: It is suggested that the single stage procedure should be for those patients with simple surgeries and good physical condition, otherwise, the staged procedure is recommended. Once the surgical options were selected, there was no difference in postoperative clinical efficacy and rate of the complications between the two groups. |
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