夏新雷,郑超君,聂 聪,金 翔,姜建元,吕飞舟,马晓生,朱 巍,王洪立.比目鱼肌H反射监测在全麻下经皮椎板间入路内窥镜下手术中的应用价值[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2017,(3):207-212. |
比目鱼肌H反射监测在全麻下经皮椎板间入路内窥镜下手术中的应用价值 |
Application value of intraoperative soleus H-reflex monitoring in assessment of endoscopic interlaminar approach under general anesthesia |
投稿时间:2016-12-03 修订日期:2017-01-18 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 椎板间入路 H反射 经皮椎间孔镜 术中监测 |
英文关键词:Interlaminar approach H-reflex Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy Intraoperative monitoring |
基金项目:上海卫生系统第二批重要疾病联合攻关重点项目(编号:2014ZYJB0008); 上海市科学技术委员会项目(编号:14140903800);上海市卫生计生委科研课题(编号:201540263) |
摘要点击次数: 3083 |
全文下载次数: 2271 |
中文摘要: |
【摘要】 目的:观察全麻下经皮椎板间入路内窥镜下手术各操作步骤中使用H反射监测S1神经根功能的变化情况,明确该神经电生理参数在监测全麻下脊柱内窥镜手术中的应用价值。方法:14例单侧L5/S1椎间盘突出症(S1神经根损伤)患者被纳入本研究,男7例,女7例;年龄25~53岁;身高160~177cm。均行全麻下经皮椎板间入路内窥镜下单纯髓核摘除术。术前、术中各操作步骤(通道置入、神经根暴露、突出髓核摘除及内窥镜系统退出)及术后分别记录双侧下肢比目鱼肌H反射,测量并对比潜伏期及波幅(基线-负向波峰)等参数,并对结果进行统计学分析。结果:以术前完成全麻插管后、在手术体位所测得的H反射参数作为术中H反射的基线值。术中,患侧H反射波幅自神经根暴露(通道触碰或挤压神经根)阶段开始便出现明显下降(P<0.05),在剥离推移神经根时H反射波幅下降幅度最为明显[平均下降(43.9±20.5)%,P<0.05],而后虽有回升,但较基线值仍存在统计学差异(P<0.05);手术结束时,所有患者患侧H反射都得以保留,但波幅仍较基线值下降约(15.1±9.0)%(P<0.05)。术后第2日,所有患者VAS评分(Visual analogue scale)明显好转(术前 vs. 术后:6.4±1.3 vs. 0.6±0.6,P<0.05);12例患者复测患侧H反射,各项参数相较于术前无明显差异(P>0.05)。2例患者术中出现H反射波幅下降超过85%的情况,在停止操作、放松牵拉神经根后数十秒,H反射都得以部分恢复,术后未出现明显的感觉或运动障碍。结论:比目鱼肌H反射波幅能有效反映经皮椎板间入路内窥镜手术各操作步骤中S1神经根的电生理传导功能,术中应用H反射监测技术可为全麻下脊柱内窥镜手术提供额外的、可靠的辅助监护手段。 |
英文摘要: |
【Abstract】 Objectives: To investigate the H-reflex in evaluating the change of the function of S1 nerve root in the different operation steps of endoscopic interlaminar approach for L5/S1 disc herniation under general anesthesia, and to identify the application value of H-reflex in intraoperative monitoring spinal endoscopic surgery under general anesthesia. Methods: Fourteen patients with unilateral L5/S1 disc herniation(S1 nerve root injury) were included in this study(male/female, 7/7; age, 25-53 years old; height 160-177cm), and all patients underwent percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar approach for L5/S1 disc herniation under general anesthesia. Bilateral soleus H-reflexs were recorded at pre-operation, intra-operation(channel placement, nerve root exposure, removal of nucleus pulposus and endoscope system exit) and post-operation. The latency and the baseline-to-negative amplitude of H-reflex were measured. The results were analyzed by SPSS 12.0. Results: The H-reflex recorded after anesthesia and placing the intraoperative position was defined as the baseline parameter. The amplitude of H-reflex on the involved side reduced significantly during the nerve root exposure(P<0.05), especially in the separation of adhesive nerve root[falling by an average of (43.9±20.5)%, P<0.05], and then the amplitude recovered, but still was statistically significant difference compared with the baseline value(P<0.05). At the end of surgery, the H-reflexes of all patients were preserved, but still lower than the baseline value which decreased by (15.1±9.0)%(P<0.05). At the second day after surgery, all patients had significantly improved VAS score(preoperative vs. postoperative: 6.4±1.3 vs. 0.6±0.6, P<0.05), and there was no difference of the amplitudes of H-reflex on the involved side in 12 patients between the pre-and post-operation(P>0.05). In this study, two patients had significant reduced H-reflex(more than 85%) during the operation, and the partial recoveries of the H-reflex in these patients were found after stopping the operation for several seconds. All these two patients had no obvious sensory or motor dysfunction after surgery. Conclusions: In this study, the amplitude of soleus H-reflex can reflect the function of S1 nerve root during the different operation steps of endoscopic interlaminar approach under general anesthesia effectively. Therefore, the clinical application of H-reflex monitoring technology can provide additional and reliable methods to protect the nerve root during the spinal endoscopy surgery under general anesthesia. |
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