许道洲,罗树彬,夏好成,冯国平,许 蕾,肖文丰,吕海莲.磁共振SPACE-STIR序列扫描对骶骨骨折合并骶神经损伤的诊断价值[J].中国脊柱脊髓杂志,2011,(7):545-549. |
磁共振SPACE-STIR序列扫描对骶骨骨折合并骶神经损伤的诊断价值 |
Value of MRI SPACE-STIR sequence in determination of sacral fracture complicated with sacral nerve injury |
投稿时间:2010-12-07 修订日期:2011-04-23 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-406X.2011.7.545.4 |
中文关键词: 骶骨骨折 骶神经损伤 磁共振成像 SPACE-STIR序列 |
英文关键词:Sacral fracture Sacral nerve injury MRI SPACE-STIR sequence |
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中文摘要: |
【摘要】 目的:探讨磁共振SPACE-STIR序列扫描对骶骨骨折合并骶神经损伤的诊断价值。方法:2009年1月~2010年12月我院收治骶骨骨折合并骶神经损伤患者7例,均有骶神经损伤的相应症状和体征,术前均行腰骶部X线片、CT检查及3.0T磁共振常规平扫与SPACE-STIR序列扫描检查,并行手术治疗。对7例患者术前的腰骶部磁共振常规扫描图像、SPACE-STIR序列扫描图像进行回顾性对比分析。结果:术前根据临床症状和体征诊断为骶神经损伤,其中S1神经根损伤5例,S2神经根损伤2例。术前X线片、CT检查均诊断为骶骨骨折,Denis Ⅱ型5例,Ⅲ型2例,但不能显示有无神经根损伤。术前磁共振常规平扫不能直接显示骶神经根损伤;磁共振SPACE-STIR序列扫描显示骶神经根中断2例,骶神经根受推压移位3例,骶神经根水肿增粗5例,诊断为S1神经根损伤6例,S2神经根损伤1例,其中S1、S2神经根断裂各1例。手术证实S1神经根损伤6例,S2神经根损伤1例,其中S1、S2神经根断裂各1例。SPACE-STIR序列扫描诊断与手术诊断的符合率为100%。结论:3.0T磁共振SPACE-STIR序列扫描可直观显示骶骨骨折引起的骶神经损伤。 |
英文摘要: |
【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the diagnostic value of MRI SPACE-STIR sequence in determination of sacral fracture complicated with sacral nerve injury.Method:7 patients with sacral fracture and sacral nerve deficit from January 2009 to December 2010 were reviewed retrospectively.All cases presented with sacral nerve injury.X-ray,CT,MRI common scan and scan with SPACE-STIR sequence were performed preoperatively.After operation,the clinical data,routine scan images and images from SPACE-STIR sequence were analyzed retrospectively.Result:According to clinical symptoms and physical signs,5 cases had S1 nerve root injury,while 2 cases had S2 nerve root injury.Sacral fracture was determined by X-ray and CT scan,but sacral nerve injury could not be confirmed based on radiographic findings,even MRI could not do so.The preoperative MRI SPACE-STIR sequence showed rupture of sacral nerve root in 2 cases,compression and displacement of sacral nerve in 3 cases,and edema of sacral nerve in 5 cases;and S1 injury in 6 cases,while S2 injury in 1 cases.6 cases with S1 injury and 1 case with S2 injury were confirmed by operation,of these,there were 1 S1 nerve rupture and 1 S2 nerve rupture.The concordance rate between MRI SPACE-STIR sequence and operation in determining sacral nerve deficit was 100%.Conclusion:The 3T MRI SPACE-STIR sequence can directly exhibit sacral nerve injury due to sacral fracture. |
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